国木田独歩の詩碑「山林に自由存す」   Freedom Exists in the Woods (Forest)


これは明治時代に山口県が生んだ文豪 国木田独歩の写真である。筆者は「定本 国木田独歩全集

なつかしき わが故郷は何処ぞや
かしこに われは
顧みれば 千里紅山
雲底に 没せんとす


国木田独歩の詩碑 Englsih Version

This is the photograph of Doppo Kunikida, a great man of letters, whom Yamaguchi Pref. produced in the Meiji Era. The administrator (author) of this home-page found it in “The Complete Works of Doppo Kinokuni” vol. 1.

The headline “The Freedom Exists in the Woods (Forest)” is one of the poems I like very much. So I have translated it into English and inserted it on this home-page in Japanese-English contrast style.

This poem monument “The Freedom Exists in the Woods (Forest)” can be found in the areas which are noted in connection with Doppo Kunikida in various ways. You shall be able to find various monuments of Doppo Kunikida.

The Stone Monument of Doppo Kunikida here in Tabuse-cho is made of natural stone as you see on the following photograph, and the concluding part of this poem is written as follows:

Where is my dear old hometown?

     At that place

     I was a wild child of the woods(forest)

.    As I look back, the mountain thousand miles away

.    The land of freedom

     Is going to sink down to the bottom of the clouds



独歩は明治4年(1871)7月15日 国木田専八の子として千葉県銚子市にて出生した。
明治9年 父が職を山口裁判所に奉ずるに及んで、一家は山口、萩、広島、岩国などへ転居した。
19歳のとき 哲夫と改名する。
明治24年、21歳のとき東京専門学校を退学し、一家の居住する麻郷村(現 田布施町)に
なつかしき わが故郷(ふるさと)は何処(いずく)ぞや
彼処(かしこ)に われは山林の児(こ)なりき
顧(かえり)みれば 千里紅山(こうざん)





*なお、国木田独歩全集 第10巻の「発表年月日順著作目録」 p.61によれば、「山林に自由存す」は明治30年(1897)独歩が27歳の時、「自由の郷 {抒情詩}」と題して雑誌「国民の友」で発表されたようである。


国木田独歩の詩碑 Englsih Version

The explanation board of this poem stone monument says as follows:

This poem stone monument was erected on 3 November 1951 (Showa 26), on the Culture Day by the Manifestation Group of Doppo Kunikida. He was born on 15 July 1871 (Meiji 4) in Choshi City, Chiba Pref.as the first son of Senpachi Kunikida. His infant name was Kamekichi,  Doppo is his pen name.

In 1876 (Meiji 9), his father was transferred to Yamaguchi Court of Justice, so his family moved to Yamaguchi, Hagi, Hiroshima, Iwakuni, etc. with their father.

When Doppo was 19 years old, he changed his name to Tetsuo.

In 1881 (Meiji 24), when he was 21 years old, he left Tokyo College for his personal reason and came home to Ogo-mura (Tabuse-cho), where his family lived. He lodged at  Mr.Yoshimi’s house and made endeavors for his improvement and cultivated (fostered) his rich poetical attitude of mind.

Later, he lodged at Mr. Asami’s house, which stood in the next village, Marifu-mura (Tabuse-cho). He often visited Mr. Ishizaki’s house, which stood near, to see the partner of his first love, Miss Tomi Ishida. And with these objects in this area for setting he has left many works of letters such as “Shuchu-Nikki” (A Diary under the influence of Sake (wine)”, “Kikyorai” (Going-home-Leaving-Coming) ,” and “Akuma” (An Evil Spirit)”、etc.

Where is my dear old hometown?
At that place
I was a wild child of the woods(forest)
. As I look back, the mountain thousand miles away
. The land of freedom
Is going to sink down to the bottom of the clouds

From “Freedom Exists in the Woods (Forest)”

On 23 June 1908 (Meiji 41) Doppo Kunikida died at the age of 38 in Chigasaki City, Kanagawa Pref.

Tabuse-cho Board of Education




山林に自由存す          Freedom exists in the Woods (Forest)

国木田独歩(全集第1巻)p.38            By Doppo Kunikida

山林に自由存す Freedom exists in the woods (forest)
この句を吟じて 血のわくを覚ゆ
Reciting this phrase
I feel a rush of blood to the head
ああ 山林に自由存す Ah! Freedom exists in the woods (forest)
いかなれば われ For what reason
山林をみすてし Have I forsaken the woods(forest)?
あくがれて 虚栄の途に のぼりしより Since I entered an occupation being driven by vanity
十年の月日 The months and days of ten years
塵のうちに過ぎぬ Have passed away just in rubbish
ふりさけ見れば 自由の里は Looking back on my past, the land of freedom
Already I feel
Is beyond the cloud-covered mountains far away
まなじりを決して 天外を望めば Looking daggers beyond the heavens
をちかたの 高峰の雪の朝日影 I see the snow peaks of a high mountain shone by the morning sun
ああ 山林に自由存す Ah! Freedom exists in the woods (forest)
この句を吟じて 血のわくを覚ゆ
Reciting this phrase
I feel a rush of blood to the head
なつかしき わが故郷は何処ぞや Where is my dear old hometown?
かしこに われは
At that place
I was a wild child of the woods (forest)
顧みれば 千里江山 As I look back, the mountain thousand miles away
自由の郷は The land of freedom
雲底に 没せんとす  Is going to sink down to the bottom of the clouds
翻訳: 藤山 照夫 Translated by  Teruo  Fujiyama

*一部 漢字をかな書きにしたり、行をかえたりしています。



国木田独歩全集 第6「欺かざるの記」(前編)p.171

明治26年7月10日 「エマーソンの詩人論を読む。ワーズワースを唱して敬虔の念に打たる、アゝ神聖なる世界。新体一つあり。」と前置きして、「夏の雲」を詠っている。

夏の雲 The Clouds of Summer
蒼空に漂う夏の雲ひとつ。 In the blue sky one piece of cloud floats
アゝ雲よ、なれは何処にかゆく? Ah, Cloud! Where are you going?
なれは何処より来し? Whence have you come here?
なれがあてどは何処なるらん Where is your destination?
白雲の心なくゆくをまもれば、 Watching the white clouds go without aim
吾も何時しか蒼空にきえ I’ve also disappeared into the blue sky
からだぬけ出(い)でただよひぬ。 Slipping out of my body and floating unawares
妙なる光に満たされて瓢々と何処までゆく! How far am I going buoyantly filled with charming light?
雲大空に融け失せぬ、われ亦そこに消へ失せぬ。 The clouds have melted away in the sky, disappeared me too
オゝ真の貴きひとびとよ、 Oh, truly noble people!
君達ここにいませしか、 Have you already attended here ?
クリストよしやかよもろもろの詩人達よ Christ! Sayka! Of course poets!
君達茲にいませしか Have you all attended here?
 アゝわれをも中に加え給へ。 Ah, would you let me join you, please!
翻訳:藤山 照夫 Translated by: Teruo Fujiyama


  「雲やどこへいく/お前のあしははやいな/ 箕山へいくか/琴石へいくか」

Cloud! Where are you going? (Which direction are you going in?)

You are fleet (swift) of foot, aren’t you?

Are you going to Mt.Miyama? Or are you going to Mt.Kotoishi?

翻訳:藤山 照夫      Translated by Teruo Fujiyama

心、みやこをのがれ出で My Heart Has Fled from the City
国木田独歩(全集第一巻 p.106) By Doppo Kunikida
心、みやこをのがれ出で、 My heart has fled from the city -bustle
夕日ざわつく林の中を In the setting sun, through the noisy woods
語る友なく独りでゆきぬ。 I walk alone without friends to talk with
夏たけ秋は来たりぬと Summer ‘s advanced, and autumn has come
梢に蝉が歌ひける。 On the twigs cicadas are singing loudly
林を出でゝ右に折れ、 Going out of the woods, I turn right
小高き丘に、登り来れば、 When I climb up to the top of a hill
見渡す限り、目もはるかなる、 As far as the eye can reach, I can see
武蔵の野辺に秩父山(ちちぶさん) Mt.Chichibu beyond the fields of Musashino
雲のむす間に峯の影 The shadows of peaks among the rising  clouds
吾を来(きた)れと招きける、 They are inviting me “Come here!
吾を来れと招きける。 They are inviting me “Come here!
翻訳:藤山 照夫 Translated by Teruo Fujiyama
秋の入日 The Setting Sun of Autumn
濤聲序P.90   The Voice of Billows Prologue
国木田独歩  Doppo Kunikida
要するに悉(みな) 逝(ゆ)けるなり!  In short, all of my acquaintances have gone
在らず、彼等は在らず。 Not exist now. They don’t exist any more
秋の入日あかあかと田圃(たのも)にのこり The setting sun is glaring brightly on the rice-field
野分はげしく飄々と梢(こずえ)を拂ふ The searing blasts of autumn blow over treetops
うらがなし、あゝうらがなし。 Sorrowful! Ah, how sorrowful I am!
水とすむ大空かぎりなく The blue vault of heaven is endless; like clear water
夢のごと淡(あは)き山々遠く The faint mountains are far away just like dreams
かくて日は、あゝ斯(か)くてこの日は Thus the sun, Ah! Did the sun set in the west?
古(いにしえ)も暮れゆきしか、今も又!  In this way in ancient time too? And now the same!
哀(かな)し、哀し、我こゝろ哀し。 Sorrowful, sorrowful! My heart is sorrowful!
以って自序となす With this I will make it a prologue
翻訳:藤山 照夫 Translated by Teruo Fujiyama

*この詩について、「国木田独歩 人と作品」の著者、本多浩氏は次のように絶賛し、説明を加えている。ここに一部引用させていただきます。



「国木田独歩」 人と作品

福田清人編  本田浩著 清水書院 P.123











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    • むかご on 2018年7月15日 at 2:26 PM
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